BoR-Alphabetical Archive

This Page Is Dedicated To Mr* Aaron Charles By the HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION in Appreciation of His Many Years of Active Service to the Association as a Member, Trustee, and President. Aaron’s term of service had its beginning in the year 1959 when he was selected from the general membership ranks to serve as a member of the Association Board of Trustees. After having served with distinction, as chairman of various Association committees, for a number of years, Sonny, as he is affectionately called by his relatives and friends, was rewarded with the high office of Association President in the years 1967 and 1968. Because of his energetic leadership and dedicated devotion to his presidential duties, the Association recorded two additional years of progress to its ever growing years of progress. Sonny is married to the lovely Idella Cohen Charles and their marriage has been blessed with three adorable childern, daughters Janet and Debbie and son Ronald, who have inherited the distinctive leadership qualities of their parents. The Association is proud to present Sonny this page with the expressed hope, that it will provide him and his family a tangible source of fond reflection of the years of personal service he has so willingly given our Association. PRESENTED THIS 12th DAY OF APRIL, 1970