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This Page is Being Inserted Into the Book of Reminiscences As A Tribute to the OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES 1960-61 HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION OFFICERS: J. RATNER Secretary H. COHEN Treasurer J. HERSCHMAN President E. JOFFE Vice-President Trustees D. Shaenfield J. Slapper A. Spector V. Speert I. Stein H. Sutkin I. Goldstein S. Hopkovitz S. Jalnos J. Kalish J. Kerman N. Landau T. C. Levine J. Matusoff E. E. Olschansky L. Ribakowsky N. Riemer J. Rotman I. Barenblatt M. Barnett A. Charles S. Esserick D. Forbes S. Gelfond Of the current Association administration, who have given freely of their time, efforts, and personal funds, when necessary, to the upbuilding of our Association. It was their unwavering devotion to duty and the exacting fulfillment of the many responsibilities charged them as officers and trustees, that was, in a great measure, responsible for the great strides of progress made by the Association during this administrative period. May the many gratuitous hours of effort expended by them in behalf of our Association and the dedication of this page in their honor, serve as an inspiration for others to follow in their footsteps. DEDICATED THIS 26TH DAY OF MARCH, 1961. yr ! • mm „ m * ^ ®. wk jf tlLA >- B' ' $ L M l ¥ _ ' -m m I ,0k ' 1Ml ' f ’ § 3