BoR-Alphabetical Archive

This Page Is Dedicated In Loving Memory of Miss Esther Frieda Lampert BY MR. ABRAHAM LAMPERT AND FAMILY. Miss Lampert, a Jewish woman of unassuming and friendly character, who loved people, spent most of her adulthood life making friends. She was never one to seek community honors, but rather, was contented to be a respected member of the San Antonio Jewish community. However, she did take time to deviate from her uneventful mode of daily living to affiliate and support such Jewish community organizations as the San Antonio Chapter of Hadassah and the Agudas Achim Congregation. In her death, she leaves to her dear brother and family, of nieces and nephews, the fond remembrance of having lived an exemplary life as a respected Jewess of our San Antonio Jewish community. May her soul rest in Eternal Peace. Born July 7, 1896 Died February 2, 1970. DEDICATED THIS 21st DAY OF MARCH, 1971