BoR-Alphabetical Archive

This Page Is Dedicated To Evelyn Charles Karin by T. C. “Tommy”Levine Entered This 1st Day of June, 2001 Eva Karin has dedicated her life to service and nurturing. In spite of crippling pain, she goes to her volunteer work faithfully and cheerfully. Almost single- handedly, she ran the administrative aspects of the Hebrew Free Loan Association for 26 years, from 1973 to 1999. Never once in 26 years had she one ofher loans written off as a loss. But Eva Karin was more than a Financial Secretary. She knew each ofher borrowers by name and their family history. To the borrower, she was known as Mrs. Hebrew Free Loan. To the borrower looking for someone to talk to, she was an attentive ear. To the borrower seeking advice, she was often sage counsel, sometimes able to send that person where he was able to get help. The mitzvahs Eva does are done quietly with love and respect for each one with whom she works. She has taught us much about caring for others. The Hebrew Free Loan Association of San Antonio will have other Financial Secretaries, but never another Eva Karin