BoR-Alphabetical Archive

w * nDNi 'ion A Woman of Worth Who Can Find ? . .S i j . ‘For her price is above rubies. Her virtues are countless and her deeds are priceless. She Stretcheth out her hand to the poor Yea; she putteth forth her hands to the needy. Wisdom is in her mouth and the law of lovingkindness is on her tongue. She is a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.’tt THIS PAGE IS A DEDICATION IN HONOR OF MRS. B. KAHN ON HER EIGHTY-FIRST BIRTHDAY BY HER SON AND DAUGHTER IN LAW Dr. and Mrs. Meyer Kahn Mrs. B. Kahn is a pioneer of this Jewish community and contributes generously to every Jewish cause. Mrs. Kahn belongs to and helps every worthy organization materially and morally. She is a member of the Hadassah, Pioneer Women, Ladies Auxiliary, Mothers Club of the Talmud Torah and Hebrew Free Loan Association. Her good deeds are a blessing to this Jewish Community. MAY SHE BE BLESSED AT HER OLD AGE AND WORTHY TO CONTINUE TO RENDER THE GOOD SERVICE AND CONTRIBUTION TO HER PEOPLE FOR MANY YEARS TO COME. February 20, 1949 - San Antonio, Texas