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r *PW Vk riQKI 1DH THE HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION OF SAN ANTONIO Dedicates This Page To Tina B. and Elmer J. Jacobs The HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION OF SAN ANTONIO dedicates this page to its generous benefactors, Tina B. and Elmer J. Jacobs. Tina Behr Jacobs is known and loved throughout our community and in every city where she has lived for her untiring devotion and dedication to Jewish causes. Most of her life she has labored and furnished leadership for such organizations as Hadassah, Women’s B’Nai Brith, Temple Beth El Sisterhood, Ort, Mizrachi, and Pioneer Women. Elmer J. Jacobs is recognized nationally as the leading pioneer in the mail order and direct mail industries. His letters have been copyrighted and included as literary examples in textbooks of trade and business schools. He has also been in great demand nationwide as a witty lecturer on salesmanship and successful letter writing. Until his recent retirement he was Executive General Manager for over 20 years of Goodman Enterprises, owners and operators of wholesale and retail businesses, hotels, office buildings, theaters, apartments, and real estate developments.