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This Page is Dedicated To Beloved Parents By Devoted Children ‘And for all who busy themselves with the needs of the community and rebuilding of Eretz Yisroel, the Holy One, Blessed be He, will give them His reward.” The passage from our Sabbath liturgy eptomizes the life of our beloved parents, Leah and Jake Herschman. Ever in the vanguard of every Jewish activity in San Antonio, these two have exemplified the highest ideals of the individual Jew, lending their means, their time and their efforts to any and every cause that adds brilliance to the diadem of a noble Jewish name. They have been members of decades’ standing of the Agudas Achim and Rodfei Sholom Congregations, their Sisterhoods, of B’nai B'rith and Hadassah. Long before the State of Israel became a reality and Zionism was but an idealist’s dream, Leah and Jacob Herschman were American Chalutzim working conscientiously and diligently for the Mizrachi, Poale Mizrachi and the Poale Zion organizations. Leah Herschman was one of the charter members and a president for twelve years of the Pioneer Women's Organization. Recognizing especially the needs of the aged, "Laike” as she is affectionately called, can be seen working, striving, urging others to assist in the building of this needy project in San Antonio. Jacob Herschman, demonstrating more than a passive interest in the dictum that “These are the commandments which are without limitation" — among them "Gemilns Chasadim”, has devoted his energies and his talents to the Hebrew Free Loan Association and his conscientious devotion has been rewarded with the presidency of that organization. Together these two have carved a niche of immortality by their Maasim Tovim, visiting the sick, comforting the bereaved, tending to the needy. Their home has been open to all in the truly literal sense of the word. No guest for the Shabbat or Yom Tov was ever turned away; no act of goodness delayed, no Mitzvah knowingly neglected. For such exemplary parents, humbly, lovingly and with pride, we their children pray that God grant them many years of life and health, filled with unclouded bliss. MR. AND MRS. JEROME KERMAN MR. AND MRS. ABE I. HERSCHMAN MR. AND MRS. MORRIS SHWIFF RABBI AND MRS. MORRIS M. HERSCHMAN DEDICATED THIS 26TH DAY OF MARCH, 1961.