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vtfr ‘p tys Vk nDKl "IDH 4fnH THIS PAGE OF THE BOOK OF REMINISCENCES OF THE HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION ojeSKSokritsSSSS&k D E D I C AT E D To the Memory of JOSEPH SELIG HAHN [*■ abaanau ygmamatvia riSWSu. A DEDICATION TO A PIONEER OF OUR JEWISH COMMUNITY On this page of the Book of Reminiscences are inscribed the good deeds of Joseph Selig Hahn. Mr. Hahn was one of the pioneers of our Jewish Community. He has contributed greatly towards the upbuilding of our Jewish institutions both local and national. Mr. Hahn belonged to numerous organizations, and helped them morally and materially; he was a member of Congregation Agudas Achim for nearly fifty years, a member of the Hebrew Free Loan Association, Zionist Organization, B’nai B’rith and many others. # r^> % His was a life spent in Faith, Hope and Charity, which is the greatest heritage that can be left to his family; a man made out of the finer human traits of Character that endeared him to every one. May his memory be blessed. This act of inscribing the name of Mr. Hahn in this Sefer Hazicoron is truly a noble deed of his beloved wife, Rosa Hahn. Let not kindness and truth forsake Thee. BORN MARCH 16th, 1859 DIED AUGUST 21st, 1937