BoR-Alphabetical Archive

In Commemoration of Their Forty-second Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, who were both born and reared in the city of Warsaw, Poland, were married in that city on January 31, 1919. Following their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein emigrated to Chicago, Illinois, where they resided until the year of 1933, and from here moved to San Antonio to take up residence and have resided here to the present day. Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein are the parents of a son, Milton, who also resides in San Antonio with his wife Geraldine. Since establishing residence in our city, Mr. Goldstein has become interested and active in various local Jewish organizations, the Hebrew Free Loan Association in particular, which he now actively serves as a member of its Board of Trustees. It is the wish of the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, who join with them in the commemoration of this happy event, that their future lifetime shall be filled to overflowing with happiness and the goodness of life. •pTjr Vn nottt non This Page is a Dedication by MR. AND MRS. L GOLDSTEIN DEDICATED THIS 26TH DAY OF MARCH, 1961.