"A Century of Changing Lives and Building Community"

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Hebrew Free Loan Association of San Antonio

    ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO seventy-five San Antonio Jews united against growing antisemitism to form the Hebrew Free Loan Association of San Antonio. For a century, generations of South Texas Jewish families and immigrants have been supported by civic leaders dedicated to the belief that interest-free loans, as Jewish law dictates, are the highest form of charity, meeting vital needs while fostering self-sufficiency. Hebrew Free Loan Association has been a cornerstone of the community since that first meeting. Hebrew Free Loan’s Centennial Celebration will be marked by a Founders Day commemoration on June 22, (see period news story attached); and a Charter Day Celebration, July 18, marking the approval by State of Texas to begin facing a growing challenge. Founded in an era of nativism and raging antisemitism, providing financial support to fellow Jews was “not a charitable affair, it is for mutual protection,” said Rabbi Feigenbaum at the June meeting. Now, the history of the organization and the community it supported will be available as the Books of Reminiscence, created in 1937 and compiled through the years, are digitized and displayed for the very first time online.

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For more information about the site and the archival Books of Reminiscence email David Schulz, Centennial Consultant.